Julien explains with his unique presence on stage how culture, behaviours, norms, values and cultural differences affect us and our workplaces. His fantastic communication skills and the series of simple illustrations he uses convey his knowledge in an interesting and effective way. Some of Julien's talks are more entertaining, while others focus on important topics related to culture, communication and leadership. All of Julien's lectures are based on his unique series of illustrations, some of which also appear in his books in Norway, Sweden and internationally.
All speaking engagement can be conducted in Norwegian, English or French. Julien is well accustomed to audiences ranging from several thousand people to small working groups. Further down the page you will find a selection of international companies Julien has spoken for.
Expand your understanding of what culture is and how cultural differences play out.
Learn about aspects of culture and communication that are particularly relevant at work.
The Scandinavian Cultures
Learn and be inspired to understand better the unique Scandinavian cultures.

Julien helps you create a common thread for your event around the theme of communication and culture. He leads the audience through the day and evening with inspiring short speeches from his work while introducing the speakers. With humor, energy and professionalism, Julien creates a fantastic experience for your audience.
Julien can easily switch between Norwegian, English, French and Spanish on stage to create a feeling of belonging accros cultures and languages for multi-national companies.