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Culture and Cultural Codes

How Culture shapes Behaviours

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Through his entertaining stories and illustrations, Julien will make you reflect about how your culture influences you more than you think. Julien explains in simple terms what culture is, how differences play out and how it affects us. He talks about behaviours, rituals, norms, role models and values. The audience learns to be more aware of their own perceptions and expectations, and the perceptions, expectations and intend of others.


The audience learn to communicate more effectively within multicultural environments and to be more aware of how their behaviours may be (mis)interpreted. The lecture improves communication across cultures and provides practical tools to understand how to connect with different people. Julien focuses on expectations, perception and intend in everyday interactions. He presents cultural concept from national cultures and link his explanations to cultural differences between socio-economic groups, age groups or genders. For culture at the workplace and corporate culture read under "Culture at Work".


​Julien uses real-life stories from his international life together with his famous illustrations drawn by Elise H. Kollerud to present his cultural knowledge. By doing so his lectures are easy to understand, interesting to listen to and easy to remember.​

Illustrasjon fra boekn "Nordmenn uten filter"


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© 2013-2025 Mondå Kunnskap AS | Mondå Julien S. Bourrelle, Hans Langbachs vei 5, 3039 Drammen

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